Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Schematron: Officer Has a Last Name

This is the first in a series of code example articles that will be posted to give NIEM developers a head start in using Schematron. This example will show how to perform a test across multiple branches or nodes of a typical NIEM schema as law enforcement officer is a role played by a person in NIEM schemas. Take the following example XML code:

     <nc:RoleOfPersonReference s:ref="P1"/>  
<nc:Person s:id="P1">

One way in which to test for the existence of a last name is to match the ID with the officer's REF and test to be sure the string length is greater than 1 as shown in the following example (using XSLT2 & ISO Schematron):

<pattern id="eOfficerData"> 
    <let name="sOfficerRef" value="ns:SomeDocument/j:Citation/ j:CitationIssuingOfficial/nc:RoleOfPersonReference/@s:ref"/> 
    <rule context="ns:SomeDocument/nc:Person"> 
        <report test="@s:id = $sOfficerRef and string-length(nc:PersonName/nc:PersonSurName) < 1"> 
            Officers last name must be provided. 

In theory the same test can be done using the XQuery id() function however use of the id function is HIGHLY dependent on the parser's capabilities.

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